Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Long Day

Today was a 12 hour work day, 8:30-8:30.  It started with EC Ministerium in Emlenton.  The group meets from September to May every year, but, because of a variety of issues, this was the first meeting I made it to.  It was good to see these friends again and enjoy the sprawling theological chatter.  After what became a four-hour meeting, I spent several hours in the office catching up on email and reading up on the Young Philanthropists bike journey across these United States among other things.  We had a small group for Prayer Meeting tonight (just four of us), but I enjoy this group and we all found Psalm 145 uplifting in a time when we all needed some uplifting.  We are all so focused on our mission and our troubles (and the world's troubles), that there is something deeply refreshing about simply considering and enjoying again the person of Jesus Christ.

The day ended with relaxation and TV on the couch with my beautiful wifey.  That is a wonderful thing to come home to at the end of a long day.

p.s.  Weather was frigid!  Brr...

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